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ABSTRACT: This study was carried out to study the effect and causes of indiscipline among student in public secondary school using selected school in ota local government area of ogun state.  Specifically, nature of indiscipline among students in public secondary schools in Ota local government, ascertain the factors responsible for indiscipline among students in public secondary schools in Ota local government, To know the effects of indiscipline among students in public secondary schools in Ota local government, impact of indiscipline on the academic performance of students in public secondary schools in Ota LGA,  positive measures/strategies being put in place to arrest indiscipline among students in public secondary schools in Ota local government.  

 The study employed the survey descriptive research design. A total of 100 responses were validated from the survey. The study adopted the activity theory. From the responses obtained and analysed, the findings revealed that teachers should be well trained and devoted, disciplined and hardworking in order to present appropriate model to students. Hence, there should be strict penalty given to a group of students involve in criminal acts so as to serve as a lesson to others. Concerted efforts should be made in enhancing discipline among students through the counseling services in school in other to prevent them from acts of indiscipline and the dangers or effects it will have on one’s future.

Student’s whistle blowers should be implemented in order to checkmate cultist activities, rape, theft etc. There should be increased effort by the principals of schools and examination boards in enhancing the effective supervision of students during examination in order to discourage exam malpractice. To control indiscipline in our secondary schools, the adults that the students look upon as pace-setters should desist from indiscipline, however it is the duty of parents, religions organizations to instill the fear of God into children with respect for elders and the societal norms.
